Flexing my Homelab: April 2023

Time to start showing off my “homelab,” not that I’m sure it’s really anything special, but I’m quite proud of how far it’s come along, and how much I’ve learned about managing servers! Tank Tank was a really fun build to do, it’s not often I get to work with such high-end components. (high-end for 2013…) Motherboard (Supermicro X9DRD-7LN4F) Getting that behemoth of a server motherboard in this case was a challenge, but once it was in, it looked like it practically belonged there, fitting perfectly into place....

April 4, 2023 · Shebang

Hello, World!

I’m playing around with this new style, I wanted something stylish, yet blazing fast and accessible. I don’t plan on actively embedding images on this site, instead I’ll be using the power of HYPERLINKS to link to images and such, that way the text content is the only thing you see, until you want to check out the attached images. Maybe I’ll post useful stuff here, we’ll see.

March 16, 2023 · Shebang